A New Face on the Christmas Tree

15027536_10103180918585638_4949119852645971672_nIn the summer of 2013, I got pregnant and right at the first hint of fall, found out I'd lost the child. My second miscarriage. Also in the summer of 2013, this beautiful little girl was born in China and abandoned. I can't comprehend God's sovereignty and the powerful ways He redeems what's broken. I can't wrap my mind around the fact that my daughter, my Joy, is three-years-old and has never known the love of a family. I can't believe that God loves this little girl so much that He shook us up and poured His love for her into our hearts, in such obvious ways that it took away our fears.

I can't understand it. But I'm so thankful for it.

And I can't wait to hold this baby and kiss her face and show her, every day, that she is loved and delighted in and ours forever.

My mother-in-law sent this photo of her Christmas tree decorating progress. That's one of the first pictures we ever saw of our Joy. Apparently, Tuesday was #worldadoptionday. I never could have imagined this. And now I can't imagine our family without this. Joy, your family loves you. God, You are real.

BlogScarlet Hiltibidal